
Who the hell am I?

Name: Muhammad Jasrie
Age: 17
School: Nanyang Polytechnic
Birthday: 22 September 1987

So what are you?

Im basically a quiet and shy guy,
who always the makes last moves when making friends
im easy going and loves a pleasant conversation.

Books I've Read

-Phillip Pullman, His Dark Materials Trilogy-
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
The Amber Spyglass
-Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Series-
Prelude to Foundation
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Forward The Foundation
-Terry Brooks, Magic Kingdom of Landover Series-
Magic Kingdom of Landover for Sale-- SOLD!
The Black Unicorn
Wizard At Large
The Tangle Box
Witches Brew
-R.A. Salvatore, The Dark Elf Trilogy-
-R.A. Salvatore, The Icewind Dale Trilogy-
The Crstal Shard
Streams of Silver
The Halfling's Gem
-R.A. Salvatore, Legacy of The Drow Series-
The Legacy
Starless Nights
Siege of Darkness
Passage to Dawn
-R.A. Salvatore, Path of Darkness Series-
The Silent Blade
The Spine of the World
Servant of The Shard
Sea of Swords
-R.A. Salvatore, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy-
The Thousand Orcs
The Lone Drow
-R.A. Salvatore, The Cleric Quintet-
In Sylvan Shadows
Night Masks
The Fallen Fortress
The Choas Curse
-Robin Hobb, The Farseer Trilogy-
Assassin's Apprentice
Royal Assassin
Assasin's Quest
-George R.R. Martin-
-J.K. Rowling The Harry Potter Series-
The Sorcerer's Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Goblet of Fire
The Order of the Pheonix
-Mark Haddon-
The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night-time

Books I'm Reading

-Robin Hobb, The Liveship Traders Trilogy-
Ship of Magic, Book 1
-R.A. Salvatore, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy-
Two Swords, Book 3


My previous Journal
My email
My Campus
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Still bored? Go here!
My mum's webbie, Linkin Park
Another one of my mum's webbie, Orlando Bloom

Other Blogs!!

Joash (NYP)
Mizael (NYP)
Jing Ying
Koon Jin
My class blog

History lesson!!

July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005

My Mood


The WeatherPixie


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Monday, January 31, 2005


It has come to a point where all good things must end.

Im sorry that due to some circumstances, i am unable to keep this blog updated and will not be doing so in the future.

i have my reasons, and i regret that i have to end my story hanging without an ending.

For those who have been faithful in reading my entries, i thank you for your support whoever who is out there.

Nameless: Thank you for your kind words, but unfortunately i cannot continue writing in here.


Tullast This is Captain's log, 4:23:00 PM

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Perth, the road to adventure.

My parents have been discussing on our next holiday this year and there have been discussing a number of options, like going to taiwan, hongkong or perth.

Perth was our final choice. End of this year, my family and i will be visiting australia once more, We went to Sydney and Brisbane on april 2004 and we had a great time there. This year, we will be doing something different.

A flight to perth will not be as long as sydney, since perth is located somewhere on the western part of australia. I garner it would be a 4 to 5 hour journey. But this vacation is slightly different. When we get there, we will be going to rent as SUV and drive from one town to another town in the rural areas of perth. Isnt that exciting? OMG! My heart literally pumps with excitement! We will drive for 10 days stopping over at small towns and staying at cheap motels for the night and then off on the road once more. We will see the natural beauty of Australia's landscapes. The mountains and plains, the farms and the vast stretches of nothingness. Just us, the wind, and nature. Its going to be a holiday worth remembering for a long time. Of course , i will certainly take hundreds of pics not of us but the natural scenery they we will be driving by. Perth, a road to adventure. Im looking forward to it...

On a side note, if i truly enjoy this trip, in the future when im older, ill be keen in traveling to exotic places, maybe mongolia or tibet, Egypt the place that i always wanted to go and how about iceland? I watched the amazing race and they went to iceland, fantastic place.. and im really serious about this. A trip of a lifetime...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:17:00 PM

Friday, December 31, 2004

Another day goes without any change
The feeling I live with still remains
I'm stuck in a hole and I'm searching for anything to hold onto
There has to be somewhere that I can be safe from the lives I live each day
There has to be somewhere that I can be far away...

I have to escape and I will go anywhere if you just lead the way
Escape to a place where I wont be alone anymore
I have to escape....

I could be living how I wanted to
Instead of doing things I'm forced to do
With no one to tell me that I should be going through what they went through
There has to be some place that nobody knows, somewhere I can only go
There has to be some place that I can be all alone....

Tullast This is Captain's log, 6:25:00 PM

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Oceans Twelve, Kung Fu Hustle, National Treasure

Never update for quite a while, ive been watching these 3 movies recently.

Oceans twelve.

I watched this movie while i was in KL malaysia, on a vacation. On the last day before we dapart to Singapore, our flight was at night, so what the hell, we had to petronas, suria shopping mall and there was the theather. I told myself, lets watch a movie and my family agreed. Note to self, if you want to pass your time before catching a flight, watching a movie is a great way to do it.

The ticket prices are extremely cheap. Student rates are at 8.50 ringgit and adult prices are around 10 ringgit. Thats less that half the price here in singapore. Cool right?! Anyway but the quality of the picture is not on par of what you see here in singapore although the overall design of the cineplexes are comparable. The picture of the movie looks dull and does not have enough brightness. Anyway, the movie is not really my type of movie. Another heist movie similar to the previous installments or The Italian Job. This time the team have to steal stuff to pay back what they stole from the casino in the first movie. Great acting, nice plot twists here and there. Im not good at reviewing this kind of movie but its a great flick after all

National Treasure

This is one hell of a rollercoaster ride. I was skeptical at this movies overall hype and story behind it. I initially thought that this would be similar to typical heist movies of talking and manipulating to get the treasure. I was wrong. I was totally unprepared on what to expect. Stealing the nation's prized possession, The Declaration of Inpedendence, to solving riddles and clue after clue to find the treasures whereabout. The movie has a great plot and satisfying feel to it. Its like this movie really makes your 7.50 bucks worth it because in the end, they found the treasure and its breathtaking. However this is not only it. While solving the clues, another team is also searching for it and that team actually betrayed the person who has been finding the treasure his whole life. So in the end, this movie is the quest as to who can find the treasure first. The movie has really great climatic scenes and reached its peak in the end. Its simply a wonderful story and puzzles are intruiging and you actually learn alot of american history during the course of the movie. A must watch movie.

Kung Fu Hustle

I watched this movie at cineleisure, along with national treasure on a digital screen. Nothing beats digital screen. The pictures are crystal clear, the sound is loud and clear. Kung fu hustle... what can i say. Its one of the best kung fu movie that uses the best of visual effects to make this an extraordianary movie. Add comedy to this flick and you get kung fu hustle. Its use of visual effects to complement the fight scenes are wonderful and i think this is the first movie ever to make full use of advanced technologies to make it look breathaking. Loads of actions, it really leaves you at the edge of your seat. Must watch!!! 5 star!!

Movies of 2005 and beyond.
Ive watched numerous upcoming trailers of movies that will come out next year and i must say that its gonna be an exciting year.
this is the list of exciting movies to come and i hope its exciting, better not let me down. These movies are worth to watch out for:

Chronicles of Narnia
Batman Begins
Charlie and the chocolate factory
Fantastic 4
Miss Congeniality 2
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
War of the Worlds
Son of the Mask ( sequel to The Mask)
Spongebob Squarepants

Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:29:00 PM

Last few days ive been following various coverages from various news agencies such as CNN, BBC, CNA and many more. The tragedy is just too hard to believe. Many people have died in the onslaught of the tsunamis, made by an earthquake under the sea.

Its been exactly one year that the same tragedy occured in Turkey, Bam. An earthquake leveled the whole city killing more than 60000 people. while it was based on an earthquake, a tsunami is a whole different story.

I still cannot believe what ive read and still shocked to see death tolls climbing higher and higher untill today, day 4 of the disaster, it has surpassed that death toll of those in turkey. It is sad to see many countries affected by this disaster and people from all walks of life are affected. Something that occured soo close to our very shores makes me wonder what do they deserve to be in this situation...

Every few hours i checked on yahoo news, i see the numbers of people dead rising and rising. If you were to calculate, 10 people die every minute for the past 4 days to reach that death toll. Its sickening to hear it.

But the least of all i can do to help them right here right now, is to give them something that they need. My family and I have given all our old clothes to the respective aid agency bound to sri lanka and that is the best i can do for them. With something on thier back, i hope that it gives them hope to see another day and that regardless of whether you are poor or not, everyone needs the will to survive. That i can give....

Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:08:00 PM

Thursday, December 23, 2004

First week of the new semester

There is alot to say regarding my first week of a new semester in school. First of all, im glad to see all my classmates back in school as i really missed them dearly and it reminds me of the uniqueness of 0402.

So far it has not been that stressful for the first week and we are quite fortunate to be given one week to warm up our engines before the new semester really kicks in to full gear. The schedules this time round are i must say evenly distributed, which means no more free days. Practicals and lectures however are longer and more e learning in our modules. This means that we must do more self directed learning and im already feel that the lecturers are spoonfeeding us less and less. I dunno whether this is good or not, but im determine to give my best and to absorb as much as the lectueres can give.

Our schedules this time round are very erratic. I can still remember the last semester where it had become a daily boring routine and grind of 3 reports every week, same practical timeslots every week and we can even predict whats going to happen the following week. However this time round, the lab sessions will be shifted to many different timeslots and some practicals will not stick to the usual timeslots for a long periods of time. Also, there are some lab sessions that require reports and some dont and all the modules requiring practicals may have practicals on one week but not on the following week.

This sense of "unpredictability" and "chaos" is something that i must be aware of. Gone were the days of routines and now i must better managed my time well so that my life can be a little easier and i can have a peace of mind of whats coming in the weeks ahead. Also, lots of e learning and i must make a point to know which modules have e learning and which doesnt. It takes a while to know intricately all 6 modules' lesson time plan.

So far it has not been that stressful but i must warn myself that even 6 modules is less than last semester's, it is certainly heavy in terms of content i must make sure that i revise all the stuff and complete all the tutorials and e learning and assignments given by that week before i can truly say that im ready for a new week.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:04:00 PM

Monday, December 20, 2004

City of Heroes!!

Yes, finally ive bought it 2 weeks ago and im enjoying every single second the moment i log into the game!

This game was released sometime april 2004, but the official website was launched on january. I heard of this game sometime in january and was excited about the prospect of creating a hero of your choice from a myriad of superpowers and then going out to the city with other players and beating all the bad guys on the streets. The concept was fun to me and i was insanely interested in knowing more about the game. The most disspointing news was that it was soon going to be an online game with a subscription tagged to the game.

From then on, my hopes of playing this game was dashed. But i did not end there. The least i could do was to suggest to the developers of allowing players to purchase time cards as an alternative method of playing this game. A 60 day card was what i suggested to players who doesnt have a credit card and soon enough i was lucky that my post on the thier official forum was acknowledge.

But that was not enough. I knew that i wouldnt be able to play this game anytime soon because, 1) The game is not going to be released worldwide and for the game to be imported from US to Singapore, its going to take a while. Secondly, the april release was a bad timing of release. By the time the game arrived in Singapore, it was already june, and my poly school started already.

Now, finally, it has come, the time of reckoning! Ive bought the game and the time card and right now been playing ever since! My dream came true. My first ever subscription based online game that ive ever bought and played and ive certainly made the right decision. It was really fun and addictive.

So far ive created a hero, named Elektrogy. He is a Mutation/blaster, meaning that he is from a mutant background, much like the X-men and is a blaster, have a ranged energy superpower, the ability to unleash huge amounts of energy towards foes. I did not chose flight for him nor hover but i chose Jump. He was the super ability to jump at great distances.

Why i like this game:

The graphics are top notch in this game and it certainly beats other games in terms of the graphics. There are soo many things to see and the cities that you travel too all look real and alive and no 2 cities are the same! The buildings can be abit repetitive but it gives a solid feel that you are in the metropolis! The characters that people build are colourful, vivid and it certainly has the unique flavour in everyone's character.

The gameplay is simple yet engaging. Although some might argue that in terms of content, there isnt much, but i beg to differ from a casual player's point of view. The gameplay is simple and there arent much lvl grinding feel to the game. Yes i agree that acquiring xps to lvl up especially when you are higher lvl characters of the game feels tiresome but hey, forget about it and just have fun! There arent any items to buy or customisation of armour or swords or any other items ingame, like some fantasy games have, instead all you have to buy are enhancements to enhace your powers. Whats next? Get a group, help everyone out and kick some badass!! There is nothing more fun then to simply find a group, play the game together without worrying much about credits are items to be looted or whatever shit they have.

This game is extremely friendly towards newbies and casual players. Ive seen and tested other online games that are sooo boring and cold towards new players and casual players. I just hate the game where there is soo much competition of getting the best armour or sword or magical item available for loot and without any much thought for newbies. This game really makes sure that the team that you are with, every character has its purpose in the team and everyone can make sure that they are not a burden to the team. The best feature of this game is the incredible sidekick option. It basically allows a more powerful superhero to team up with a weaker one without having the weaker superhero being left out. Instead, by sidekicking him, you allow the weaker superhero to gain better xp through the powerful hero and temperory makes the weaker superhero's character be more powerful. Its simply incredible. The sense of teamwork is soo engrossing that its painful to leave your team in the middle of a mission to do your daily errands.


Tullast This is Captain's log, 3:43:00 PM

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

This journal is back from a long holiday... so have I...

Some of you may be wondering why i havent update this journal for like ages? Well this journal has finally come back from a long holiday, so have i...

Dont worry.. i will never abandon my journal without any official word of it, however this journal needs some face lift. But that will be done on another day.

I have lots of things to say, about my holidays in malaysia, my days playing City of Heroes, finally getting the game after 6 months release, and semester 2 and the ever cruel timetable.

First things first, last week, my family and i went to Kuala Lumpur, for a short holiday, more like a shopping bonanza then the usual relaxation holiday. Firstly, we wake up early in the morning and head straight to a golf resort in Johor Bahru. The resort i stayed was close to Senai Airport. The reason why we didnt take a plane to from singapore to kuala lumpur or drive up there for 6 hours is that we wanted to try Air Asia, malaysia's budget airline. since the service only takes people within malaysia at the time being, we have to depart at Senai airport in Johor, before heading to KL. So we stayed at Sofitel resort, 5 minutes away from the Senai Airport, which is about 45 mins away from singapore. We were fortunate that the causeway and immigration checkpoints were not jam packed and we immediately took a cab there once we crossed the straits.

The hotel was quite ok. 4 star. The food is quite bad though. Theres nothing much to talk about the hotel. We just stayed there for one night.
The next day, we depart from Senai to KL. The budget airline has shuttle service from Senai Airport to KL Airport 2 times a day, 8 am and 8pm. We took 8 am flight.

The budget airline is really budget but it was very cheap. If convert to Singapore dollars one person has to spend only 30 bucks for the trip ( the trip is about 45 min from Johor to KL). But that is the irony of all and ill tell you why later.

Firstly, the tickets were not those big tickets with lots of carbon copy and printed. Instead it looked like a receipt that you can get when you go to the supermarket. Its that budget. They dont serve you drinks or food and if you want them, you have to buy them. But the aeroplane was safe enough even though its budget and the level of service from the cabin crew is OK. A few imperfections here and there and that is expected of a budget airline.

After that we landed on KL domestic airport and its quite new. Not bad, but nothing can be compared to the splendour of Singapore Changi Airport, that has won numerous awards as being the best airport in many years. However, it was good and confortable enough and its better than other countries.

But the problem is, the airport is sooo far away from KL and we had to take an express train to get there. It takes about 30 mins from the airport to the capital. The worse part, its expensive. One person cost about 30 malaysian ringgit, totalling about 100 plus ringgit for 3 of us! However the train is very good and fast! its soo much better than our MRTs and its nonstop. So you can be very confortable.

When we reached there, KL central, we took a cab to our hotel, another 4 star hotel. That hotel was at the heart of the city and its within walking distance to all the major malls, such as sungei wang and times square and KL plaza etc.. The best part? The hotel room has a computer with internet access! ITs soo cool, i get to use msn to chat with shiming that time.

The next few days we went out shopping eating shopping and eating and more shopping and even more eating. We shop ALOT! I bought lots of clothes for the new semester and i can remember how many ive bought it.

Let me recall...

1 Samuel and Kevin T shirt
2 U2 Polo Shirt
1 U2 Zipped shirt
lots of t shirts from various brands
1 black shirt from sub
1 cargo pants
and lots lots lots...

Yup shopping and shopping. The stuff there are cheap.

We even went to Petronas Twin Tower and it was magnificent. The shopping area and the exterior of the building were fantastic. Used to be the tallest building on earth, i managed to see it with my own eyes.

I think thats basically it, for my holiday... tobe continued.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:35:00 PM

Saturday, December 04, 2004

The advent of online games and the growth of the gaming industry and technology.

Before i start off in writing an article on my own regarding the advent of online games and growth of the gaming industry, id like to give a reason why ive not been updating my blog for quite a while.

Usually, i would update my blog if something significant happens in my day to day activities. Doesnt mean that i dont update means that i have nothing to say or going on in my life. On the contrary, my posts tend to be very long at times after a period of absence and it has been my style of writing. I prefer to write something that ive done as a whole then to give a day to day coverage of the things that ive seen or experienced.

Today, after many days of looking through various articles on the entertainment industry particularly the gaming industry, it has inspired me to write a brief commentary on the gaming industry. I must inform you however that im no hardcore gamer and i do not play game 24/7. What inspired me to write this commentary to hopefuly touch upon the surface on the gaming industry itself and hopefully it will provide the necessary information to a non gamer who have no clue on the status of the ever growing, ever expanding world of games.

The Roots of Gaming

It all started with Pong, Space Invaders and the likes, coin operated machines on small television sets showing black and white or if you are lucky some shades of colour. It was 1970 at that time and although i couldnt give you a more in depth coverage of the history of gaming during that time, because i wasnt even born yet. For more info in the history of gaming visit :

However, on a more personal side, a few years after i was born, i was already exposed to computer games. I can still remember my first game ever played. I do not know the title to that game and the game runs on those floppy disks and the screen has very little colour and sounds coming out from the cpu. There werent any speakers and the CPU were not tower built but laid down with the monitor sitting on top.

The game, i can still remember, you were supposed to serve beer to the customers and you have to slide the beer mugs on the table and try to avoid the beer from falling over and came crashing on to the floor. At that time, the games were all pixelated and there werent many colours, mostly pink, orange, white and shades of green. Another that i played when i was little was gold digger. Basically you have to dig the ground and dig out the gold. Again, the colours were simple and the sound were very much like monotones on handphones.

After that i cant remember but i think, that my dad bought a better computer and this time, it has speakers and uses cd roms. There were no such thing as windows 3.1 yet and the computer runs on dos. On that computer i can still remember playing this very fun game with my dad entitled King's Quest IV. This game was running on cd rom and it was a little better. The sounds were better as well and there were more colours. However, the graphics were still pixellated. We never complete that game because during the course of gameplay we were stuck at one particular area and we just couldnt go on with the game. That game was a role playing game. I dunno the overall aim of this game but simply put it was a classic.

After that we moved house from marsiling to yishun. At that time, he bought another computer i think. This time i remember that was this logo everyone should recognize. Intel Inside. It was the first Intel based computer bought and the brand was IPC, a singapore brand that is non existant right now. Pentium 486 i think and it was running on windows 3.1. At that time, i was familiar with mouse and keyboard already. The next earliest games i remember playing were space quest, another rpg, Lighthouse, adventure, Lode Runner, puzzle solving, The Incredible Machine, Puzzle Solving and my above all that i can remember the most, Age of Empires.

Age of Empires was the first game that i played that i became addicted to. I was (if im not mistaken) primary 3 or primary 4 at that time and i played and played and played right after school with no stopping. The game itself is considered a classic hit and soon after release a slew of expansions and sequels and I tried that all.

After that more games comes in, Sim City, Longest Journey, Myst, Buldur Gate and its expansions ( a classic), Icewind Dale, roller coaster tycoon, Sacrifice, Neverwinter Nights, The Sims, Prince of Persia, Star Wars pod racer, X wing star fighter, Star Wars jedi academy, Star Wars Knights of the old republic, Lode Runner II, The Incredible Machine 2, Unreal tournament, quake 2 quake 3, the Doom series, Unreal Tournament 2002, 2003, 2004 and many many many many more in no particular order!

The growth of the the gaming industry

From what ive witnessed, the growth of the gaming industry seems to be more aggresive, growing faster that ever before, coming up with new technologies and more innovative products. The sky's the limits and also limited by the human imagination. Who could have thought of Xbox and Playstation 2 10 years ago, who could have thought of the advancement of technology in personal computing 10 years ago?

Last year, the revenue generated from the gaming industry exceeded for the first time, that to the movie making industry. It was a shock because considering that the history of games is barely 40 years old and the movie industry dates back since the first cameras and tv sets were born.

The gaming industry grows exponentially every year. this year has been the best years and was even titled as The Year of Sequels.

Previous posts regarding games, i ve mentioned games that sell like theres no tomorrow, such as, Halo 2, GTA: SA, Star Wars Knights of the Old republic, Prince of Persia:Warrior Within and new titles such as Everquest II, Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle Earth and World of Warcraft.

Youve read news on reports such as millions of halo 2 copies sold in 24 hours, and now, World of Warcraft, having being sold more than 240 000 in its first day of release! This year has truly been a remarkable year for the gaming industry. It took 2 years for Halo, the first installment to reach the 5 million mark and now, after one month of Halo 2's release it has reached its 5 million mark in terms of sales.

And what now you say? Well ill be very excited to see the future of games not in the next 10 years, but the next 5. Why? Games come and go soo fast and you almost see a new benchmark being set higher and higher every year and there is no stopping. Its terrifying to think of what games will have in store for use in the next 15 to 20 years. Right now, there are games with such gorgeous graphics. What was like 5 years ago? 5 years ago i was in sec one or somewhere there.... What did i play in sec one? what was the in thing in games in year 2000? Sacrifice, Quake III, GTA 2 these were some games that were released during that time. Graphics were not good and these games can be played on a TNT 2 graphics card. Now, what do we have? Geforce 6800. That is 7 generations of graphics card apart. From nvidia alone, tnt, tnt II, Geforce, Geforce 2, Geforce 3, Geforce 4, Geforce FX and finally Geforce 6. See? 5 years is all it takes to see such a huge difference! What can we see 5 years from now? Geforce 10? probably a new name altogether. Right now, the in thing is SLI technology in graphics card, which is the capability of the motherboard to have 2 graphics card attached to the motherboard. This means that graphics capability can been accelerated by 2 times. Twice as fast, twice as efficient, twice the horsepower. I couldnt even imagine such things would happen and it did. The only time i imagine was in my head, the big WHAT IF? What if in the future 2 graphics card were to work together in a pc? It did happened eventually.

Concerning Online Games

What is an MMORPG?

MMORPG stands for massively multiplayer online role-playing game. In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time. This creates an incredibly rich and active environment in which interesting things are constantly taking place. MMORPGs provide thousands of hours of game play, with a nearly infinite variety of goals to achieve across a vast world covering miles of land and sea.

Massively multiplayer online games or MMOG for short means that thousands of played interact and exist in one same game world as opposed to online games such as Counterstrike or Warcraft III, Star Craft etc where you create a map or a room with 16 or more poeple playing in it. In massively mutilplayer online games, there is not such thing as creating a room. What you are in now is one huge gigantic virtual world with thousands of players interacting at the same time. Its a living world with all the players playing together.

There is a vast difference between massively multiplayer online games to normal online games. Firstly, these games requires a subscription based account. A monthly payment is needed in order to continue playing this game. Why is that? A huge level of service is given to customers who bought the game and play the game in maintaining the servers needed to create a huge virtual world and the money they get is not solely for profits sake, but also to provide additional content through that world by release new areas to explore, creating more quests for you and your friends to accomplish and to make the world organic and alive. They need to buy lots of equipments and men to service and maintain this world so that its online 24 hours a day 7 days a week. That is the difference.

Some may argue, but what about maple story and gunbound? Well, gunbound firstly is 2d game. It a budget game that does not need additional content to be added in and remember that when you play gunbound, you basically create a room with 8 other players and you start playing. Thats the difference. Some other games are online games too with persistent worlds that does not require subscription. Well, these games are budget games and only at most a few thousand of them play and there have low penetration to the mass market. Thats why they are free. But the online games im talking about are the highly invested, highly budgeted games that promises constant improvements, content addition and not to mention, hundreds and thousands of players who will be subscribing to the game.

Online games have become more and more popular nowadays. What seems to be only a rich man's game, it is now affordable to an younger group of people who have a keen interest in them. Years before, the older generation of games, it is normally catered to adults who have a credit card to subscribe to these services. But now, you'll see game cards that you can purchase at your own local gamestore that comes with a prepaid 30 or 60 days worth of playing time. It extremely similar sim cards where there is a fixed amount of prepaid in the card and simply have to scratch the for key code to extend your playing duration. This is to cater for people without credit cards.

Yesterday i came upon a site that does a research on online games and gives statistics on how many people are subscribe to what game and how many percent does a particular game hold in the Online gaming industry.

Take a look and youll see what i mean. study the statistics and be mesmerised.

/end of rambling.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 5:20:00 PM

Monday, November 29, 2004

Yesterday celebrated my friend's birthday, Aaron his name is. A group of our old friends met up at yishun and watched The Incredibles! Yesterday was my second time watching it and it was a blast!! The movie was great and everyone enjoyed every single minute of it.

The movie, not to mention is very long, considering that The Incredibles is an animated film. It clocks in a little short of 2 hours, making it one of the longest animated film to be created. A Technological breakthrough, in terms of cgi rendering, especially the hair and lighting effects. It was simply amazing. Cool character, great plot, and above all, funnny.

The day before, i watched Saw, a psychothriller movie. The movie has a very sadistic theme to it and its not for the faint of heart. Although there arent many gory scenes though, there is a lot of blood and its the theme that makes it sadistic.

The story goes like this:

A young man named Adam (LEIGH WHANNELL) wakes to find himself chained to a rusty pipe inside a decrepit subterranean chamber. Chained to the opposite side of the room is another bewildered captive, Dr. Lawrence Gordon (CARY ELWES). Between them is a dead man lying in a pool of blood, holding a .38 in his hand. Neither man knows why he has been abducted; but instructions left on a microcassette order Dr. Gordon to kill Adam within eight hours. If he fails to do so, then both men will die, and Dr. Gordon's wife, Alison (MONICA POTTER), and his daughter will be killed. Recalling a recent murder investigation by a police detective named Tapp (DANNY GLOVER), Dr. Gordon realizes he and Adam are the next victims of a psychopathic genius known only as "Jigsaw." With only a few hours left to spare, they must unravel the elaborate puzzle of their fate in the midst of mounting terror. The killer has provided them with only a few clues and two handsaws - too weak to break their steel shackles, but strong enough to cut through flesh and bone.

The movie revolves around this killer, finding victims can capturing them to be part of his sadistic plan. What happened is that, once he found his victims, he will set up an elaborate puzzle for the victim to solve and escape... or face death. Throughout the movie, it not only concentrates on the 2 victims shackled in an abandone bathroom somewhere, but also shows the policemen's investigation on a series of deaths cause by the same man.

In the movie, there was one victim, a woman, strapped onto a seat with a reverse bear trap fixed on her jaw. The woman suddenly finds herself in a dark room and then suddenly the tv beside her was switched on. The video was played, telling her what to do to escape this room and the bear trap that was fixed on her jaw. Failure to do so in a limited amount of time, the video actually shows wat happened when the bear trap snaps open ripping the jaw of the woman if he fails to do saw. Its very sadistic in nature. He demonstrated the power of the bear trap by using a mennequin and its very.... disturbing.

What she had to do however is to find a way to unstrap herself from her seat and once she got out of her seat, the timer on the bear trap will start and she must use a knife to cut open her stomach's soulmate who was also captured and put in that very same room. The key is inside her soulmates stomach. She passed. The only survivor at the expense of her friends life.

there are many other examples like, a man trap upon layers and layers of fences filled with barb wire and he must force his way through the barb wire to the exit before the door closes. He failed. He bled to death before reaching for the door.

These are some of the very disturbing images and themes revolving this movie. Its a great movie in a sense that the director actually accomplishes his task of raising the climax slowly in the begining and finally to the max at the very end and furthermore there is a twist in the story, which i shall not say.

Overall, i give this movie 3.5 out of 5

Tullast This is Captain's log, 3:12:00 PM

Thursday, November 25, 2004

BBQ, Adventure Camp, and Results!!

Ok, a few days ago, our class had a bbq!! YAY! It was soo fun, even though, only half of us turned up, it was still really fun to be with those who turned up and i really appreciate them being able to attend this bbq that was planned.

Anyways, me mizael, you sheng, and eileen went to the condominium, sun haven early to store all the food there in advance. We went there about 2 hours earlier than the rest. Christine Ong, our comm skills teacher was kind of her to buy us lunch and allow us to be in her home and all, seeing her cute little kids. It was a great day. Later in the afternoon, even though it rained, the bbq still continued and we cooked lots of stuff like satay, chicken wings, sausages, sotong balls, crab meat and many more. then some of use tried using the condominium's pool and hot jacuzzi. The Jacuzzi was GREAT!!! It was my first time in a hot jacuzzi and it really soothes my tensed muscles. I ate alot during the bbq and there is still ALOT of food left anyway, because lots of us didnt turned up.

I shouldnt be saying this but, we actually bought enough for at least 23 mouths to feed, the money spent was just enough if we collected from everyone in the class. However, we went over budget and hoping that those who did not pay would pay up sooner of later. 40 bucks was out from my very own pocket. To tell you the truth im a little pissed off, and to those who did not attend and is reading this, i hope that you at least feel the guilt no matter how small, that my very own pocket money was spent on you guys in advance for your sake. Your lack of compassion and your own selfish thoughts has made my precious 40 bucks, a week of meals down the drain. Im not forcing you to pay up, but remember this, there are some people who really go to great lengths to provide you with whatever you need and its you who are unable to see it.

Yesterday we had and adventure camp organised by our school, for our class. That day, only our class was supposed to be having this adventure camp. You know what, it didnt turned out as expected. Adventure camp, you now, there were supposed to be high elements stuff and lots of physical challenges. However, we played some simple games and nothing that demanding. In the end, it ended very early, like 2 or 3 pm instead of the stated 5pm or later. During that day, i also had a pals meeting. We were told out post in the committee and i was in the sub-committee. I am the Assistant Welfare Officer for SCL. Ok nothing too big, and i just have to wait and see what happens after that in the future.


Today i recieved my results. I WAS TERRIFIED! But alas!! It was not bad afterall! There were some hits and misses lemme do a simple rundown of my results.

Firstly! My maths!! I thought i was going to fail 100% this time but i got a D!! Certainly im sure that the markers of this maths paper gave my a blind eye for this one. But im still really greatful that i dont have to repeat this dreadful module anymore...

2 modules were expected (hit): Comm skills and Micrbiology A. I got an A and a Distinction respectively. The distinction part was a surprise.

IMB was a miss: I thought i could get an A but i ended up B+ a minor grade a way from my target. Im sure that ive i studied harder before the exam, i could get an A which ever it is.

Physical chemistry was hit: Yeap, i got a C for my ICA but miraculously, after focusing on that module quite a lot, the effort payed off. I but not only a B but a B+.

Inorganic was miss: I couldnt believe that i got a C+ for the module. My expectations all along was a B at least. But nothing can be changed now. looking back, the results of physical chem and inorganic chem is a total opposite.

Japanese was a hit: I got a B for my ICA and i was very nervous doing the paper during the exam and from then on, i knew that i couldnt get an A, so i lowered my expectations and it came out true.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:11:00 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

Pal Meeting

Today i didnt go for the Pal Meeting. I was tired, i got other things to settle quickly and also, at around 9.30am, we got an unexpected visitor, one of my relatives came to our house... you know, hari raya and all that stuff... Luckily i woke up at 9.00am, after i showered and had breakfast, they came. It was very unexpected. Anyway, they left at around 10.30am, leaving me with no choice but to not go for the meeting anyway.

I did promise to mizael that we are going to compile out journals to make into our own little autobiography right? well, yeah.. im still keeping it and today i dunno why, but ive got the inspiration to make a new blog and transfer all my entries from the easyjournal to that new blog then if ive got the time, hopefully, maybe i can do minor touch ups and edits and compile it into .doc file. Hmm.. interesting notion.. i might see what i can do about it.

I think one of the most tumultous years was during sec school, i was the band major, it was difficult and thinking back, i never really did know, where i get all the energy and the drive to achieve wat ive become of the band today and for myself. thinking back, where is my source of inspiration? Who is my role model? What drives me forward? Who drives me forward? Why do i do all these things for the sake of the school? Will i be able to bring that drive and energy to my new CCA, Pal? Am i ready to take once more another step into the unknown? Will i suffer more setbacks? Will my past negative experience and fears affect the decisions i make? Will i be able to have that level of commitment to my new CCA? Already, i have a post, year one... its a daunting task if that post is big. To tell you the truth, im not prepared just yet to deliver what is expected of me to the CCA... and to those who have the impression that ive already given up, youre soo wrong. Im really trying to fit in and its very difficult.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:22:00 AM

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Okok.. so ive not been updating my blog for quite a while. I dunno but there seems to be a dip in my inspiration in writing my blog. Well, here goes...

Alot of things has happened after the first day of the PAL Camp. On the second day, we did treasure at Orchard Road. It was quite fun, i must say that this my first time in a series of treasure hunts that ive done, to be played at none other than orchard road! Its ok lah.. despite the flaws here and there.

Third day was nothing much, just feedback session, after that go home.

Yesterday was the day i realised that i lost my OCBC ATM card. And on the day, i realised that ive lost that card for 2 days now, without realising...

It happened on the second day of camp, when i was about to make a deposit of 100 bucks in one of the ocbc branch at norhtpoint. Before going for the camp, i actually stopped by Yishun. I was depositing the money and after that i left the machine without taking back my card. It was only yesterday that i realised that i lost the card. Panicked, i immediately called the customer service hotline, 1800 363 3333 if i can still remember. I enquired about what to do when i lost the card. The sweet and polite lady at the other end of the phone, kept me calm all the time and told me thouroughly what she was about to do when i lost the card. She did some background check on my and some basic verification verbally, like you IC number and the kinds of transaction that you made the past few days, sort of like a test to ensure that im the real person who is the one who lost the card. She then told me then the card, if ever found, will be given back to you and while the card is out there somewhere, the card will be hotlisted, meaning that the card will be rendered useless so that any person who encounters my card will not be able to use the card, for extra protection. However, the card if found will be returned within 7 working days and i couldnt wait 7 days, because i need the money soon enough. I asked her if its possible if i could get a new one, and she said yes, with a replacement fee of 5 bucks. Since i was at the branch itself, and the bank open and me sorely needed the money, i decided to make a new one. When i made a new one, she told me that she would not need to do a retrieval service and the card if ever found will be rendered useless permanently... PHEW!!

Today went to malaysia to visit my grandfather. Woke up at 6 am in the morning, went to my grandmothers place at 8 at Marsiling. then we head off to Masai, Johor. The trip there was not that bad. My dad got a new car a week before and we drove up to malaysia, about an hours drive away and the car was FANTASTIC! Smooth journey all the way, good soundsystem, and extremely stable. Hyundai Getz!! YEAH! Yellow. Going back was hell. The customs was CONGESTED! It took 3 hours just to clear both sides. We spent about 2 hours just to reach to the malaysian customs and another hour in the teeny weeny stretch of water seperating malaysia and singapore. 1 hour just to covered 1 kilometer. I was about to shout in rage!!!

Tullast This is Captain's log, 5:05:00 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

NYP Pal Day camp/ KOTOR!!

Today was the first day of the Pal Day camp. We played lots of games, I particular like the outdoor or wet games, I was totally wet after the whole sesssion and furthermore, it was drizzling moderately. I was cold shivering but it was fun.

Few days ago, i just finished, for the third time, playing the game from start to finished, clocking at 35 hours throughout, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic!! YAY!! its soo fun!! I really really love the game, now im prepared to play the second installement, but haiz... the game will only be released on PC on february. Im sooo tempted to try out the x box version but ill be wasting lots of money buying both versions that are identical to each other! the x box version will be out next month!

Tullast This is Captain's log, 1:19:00 AM

Monday, November 15, 2004

Selamat Hari Raya!!

Yay!! Hari Raya has come!! Yesterday all my relatives were at my grandma's house and it was great to see all my relatives there! We ate, and talked and took pictures and talk somemore. This year, we didnt go to many houses but nevertheless i still got ang pao!! heheehe!!

Today, my relatives from my fathers side came to my house and my mum cooked a wonderful feast, lots of food for all of them. It was great to get in touch once more with my cousins from my dad's side. Haiz.. such good memories. NvM! Chinese New year! Get more angpao! This time, instead of them coming to my house, we will go to one of my relative's new condominium! So exciting! So many angpao! lol!!

Today, i just discovered something: The long awaiting new Gregorian, Masters of Chants album is finally out!! Its their 5th album so far and ive got all the other 4 already. I must get the new album. Die die must get ah!! Ive illegally downloaded the whole album of the new album but dont worry... ill get the original one soon when i see it on any album stores. You know whats the theme of the new album? ROCK!! YES!! The new albums features rock songs from many reknown artists from old and new!! Old artistes like Doors, The Aphrodite, and many more, while new ones featuring, Evenescence, My Immortal and The Rasmus, In The Shadows! The new album's new compilation of rock songs are really wonderful and its a surprise twist that they make a rock album this time, considering that the arrangement for all the previous songs are gregorian chants. Its really wonderful and im hearing it right now. The previous album has a special french song, but this new album has a new german song, entitled Engels. My favourite track thus far, very rock! The album name: Gregorian, The Dark Side! Wow, finally, it has been released!

Tullast This is Captain's log, 5:38:00 PM

Friday, November 12, 2004


Subject: Enquiry on Giordano's Autumn/winter collection in singapore.

To whoever it may concern

Enquiry on Giordano's Autumn/winter collection in singapore.

My name is Muhammad Jasrie and Giordano is one of my favourite brands in terms of apparel design and its emphasis on simplicity.

I recently noticed that Giordano has begun promoting its autumn/winter collection by putting up posters of models wearing jackets or sweaters in every outlet in Singapore. I would like to enquire however, whether these apparels being showcased will be sold in Singapore. Ive taken an interest in the black jacket that one of the male model is wearing that is being promoted in your outlets. Unfortunately, ive been to numerous Giordano outlets and it seems that they do not sell the jacket mentioned anywhere inSingapore

I would like to know if the jacket will be sold in Singapore, as i am very interested in purchasing one. I would be glad to hear from you soon.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely

Muhammad Jasrie


Dear Jasrie,

Thank you for your interest in our merchandise.

The jacket which you are keen in is unfortunately sold out and there are no more replenishment for this design. However, there is a new design which has just been launched. It's a 3-in-1 jacket (100% nylon-outer, 100% polyester fleece-inner) and it comes in 3 different colour namely; black, true red and ginger. The retail price is $89. You can find it in these outlets: Ngee Ann City B2, Raffles City, Bugis Junction, Plaza Singapura, Suntec City, Wisma Atria etc.

We hope you find this design suitable.

Cyndi Low
Customer Service Executive
Giordano Originals (S) Pte Ltd


DAMN DAMN DAMN!! I knew this jacket is gonna be a sold out! just by looking at it its soo damn fashionable!! ARGH! DAAAAAMN!! Nvm.. im gonna check out the other design but 89 bucks!? Life is cruel....

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:09:00 AM

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Passport validity extension

Today i didnt do much. I was at home. Im really waiting patiently for the fasting month to be over so that i could get back on shape! I could do swimming, running, running more running and swimming. Damn.. i really really seriously to get my stamina back up and running. I dont care man, either school or outside, i must find somewhere where i could get back in shape!

Today, i watched spiderman 2, on dvd and it was great, i slacked alot today, really nothing to do, played star wars a little bit, gather news, watched van helsing after that, basically watching lots of stuff.

Tomorrow, im going to lavender to extend my passport espiry date. I real bugger and loads of inconvience i tell you. But i still have to do it, im driving up to malaysia sometime during the week of hari raya i think, to visit my grandfather. By then my family will be driving on a car! Hyundai Getz, yellow color... woohoo!!

You know, about the jacket i saw in Giordano, i still cant get my mind off it! Ive searched at northpoint too and they dont have it either. I might go shopping around town after the passport thingy.Ive email giordano for enquiries regarding the apparel, hopefully they reply tomolo and hopefully i get some good news out of it. I think this is the first time im crazy about an apparel, maybe due to the fact that i dont have a jacket?

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:11:00 PM

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fantastic 4 and Halo 2 impressions

Finally, the first official pictures to one of the most anticipated comic book to movie adaptation is here! Presenting to you... the casts of Fantastic 4!!!

Yes! finally, what you see above and below are the first official pictures to be ever released that shows the casts and also the villians to one of the most classical comic book stories, The Fantastic 4. The movie will released sometime later on july 2005, around the time where all the summer blockbusters are featured in theaters and fantastic 4 is one of them. Another movie to take note of next season, is none other than Star Wars, Episode III Revenge of the Sith. First official poster and teaser trailer are around circulating around the net, so if you want to watch the teaser trailer, go find it! you wont be dissapointed.

Today, i went to my friends house to play Halo 2! He bought the limited edition halo 2 game that comes in a metallic jewel case plus an additional dvd that contains lots of goodies, like the making of the game, extra unseen footages, outtakes, concept arts, and many many more! the jewel case looked really neat...

Before i give my very short impression of the game, i must remind you that im not a big fan of the game in the first place. My friend is, so i have no choice but to be interested in the game.
What i really wanted to say was that, upon playing the game, i was impressed by the improvements to the overall storyline, the slight improvements on the overall interface and loads of new weapons and alien monsters to kill. The game was well done and looked extremely polished from the very begining, the menu to the gameplay, to the voice acting, to the cutscenes, to the soundtrack and etc. I must say that this game deserves to be Game of The Year. although im not a big fan, i can feel that the developers of this game has done well in providing what the fans wanted all along in a sequel. What the fans want, the developers really give and they really really give more than what fans expect, from a non-fan's point of view. I could say that the developers have really spoilt the fans in giving so much more than the first installment. the gameplay is similar to the first installment, which was already very good, so they dont really have to change much in terms of gameplay. Overall, its a great game!



Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:15:00 PM

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

PAL interview

Today i attended the PAL interview in school, from 12 to 3 pm. It was different from what i imagined or expected.

Firstly, we did a questionaire, questions, regarding knowing more about yourself and some other general problems that tests your reasoning ablities and the abilites as a leader. It was nothing difficult. The questions are straightforward and i simply gave them a straighforward answer, no use beating around the bush and being egoistic about your responses. Works great in theory but if you were to write something that you cannot apply in real life, its no point lying that you can do based on what youve written.

Next after that we played some games that tests some of our ablities. The games, as simple as it was, carries some valuable lessons to be learn and the some of the exco members were there to evaluate us.

After that, the interview. The interview is not a one on one interview. Instead, it was a 3 to a group kind of interview. Before we were interviewed, we were given a problem to solve. 15 minutes was given to discuss with your group members and to come up with a solution to the problem. The whole point interview was actually to come up with a suitable response and approach in regards to the problems. Also, the interviewer, the exco members that is, also evaluate our ability to speak out and speak your mind out. Furthermore, they were also testing, whether you can communicate well and bring forward your message clearly. It was not difficult to come up with a solution, but there were many "what if" questions, those questions that bend the overall scenario to the problems that results in different circumstances and often we were tested to see whether we can think quickly and on the ball a solution to the new problem.

Nothing much, but the whole interview thing was a surprise, especially the 3 to a group interview. It was rather refreshing going to that interview and it sort of remind me of my weaknesses and strength and in a way gives you an opportunity to reflect upon yourself and give a general overview of yourself based on the general self evaluation and peer to peer evaluation that was done after all the activities were over. After that i went home....

Tomolo im going to my friends house!! YES YES YES !! He has bought Halo 2 for the XBOX!! although im not a fan of the game, since the first game is good, but not really for my taste, it was a really fun game to play and well done too, considering that you are playing a first person shooter on a gamepad and the game has done it well to make it userfriendly. The second installment however, is one of the most anticipated games of the year,2004, other contenders, being GTA: San Andreas, Prince of Persia 2, Warrior Within, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2, The Sith Lords, Halo 2 of course, and Half Life 2. I cant wait to see how beautiful the game is... The reviews on gaming sites like,, and etc were given high rating on halo 2. Oh well, with games like these coming out of the market, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic will have tough time, fighting for the most honorable title in the gaming industry: Game of the Year. Star Wars KOTOR, the first installment received the title such as Game of The Year, RPG Game of The Year, X Box Game of The Year and many more from various entertainment bodies, such as PC Gamer, XBOX review committee, Billboards, BAFTA, something like oscars but its the british version of it, and many more. I doubt KOTOR II will get the title game of the year, but im pretty confident it will get the title RPG game of the year. Its impossible to compete with those overlyhyped, overly advertised games such as Half Life 2 and Halo 2. This year as many people called it, as the year of the sequels, in both movies and gaming.


Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:48:00 PM

Monday, November 08, 2004

Giordano Autumn/Winter collection.

Today, i was going to the library at woodlands to return some books and i usually passed by causeway point. I was passing by giordano's outlet and they have autumn/winter collection. There was this model who was wearing quite a cool looking jacket. It didnt look like a jacket, more of like a windbreaker/long sleeve shirt hybrid. know what i mean? Its very hard to explain.It doesnt have the plasticy feel of polyester like a windbreaker, but it looks like it. And it looks like a long sleeve shirt. The colour is very dark brown, and it doesnt look very thick to make you suffer a heat stroke under the hot sun, yet it serves the purpose of keeping you fairly warm and comfortable. It was kinda cool seeing that apparel. I went to the shop, but the shop doesnt seemed to have it. That weird because, normally if they are showcasing a new apparel, there has somewhere that is sold in that shop, but not in causeway point. So i did not have a chance to really look at the design and feel the fabric. If its really cool, i might buy it, in malaysia of course.

In december, im going to Kuala Lumpur, for a very very short holiday, shopping actually for clothes for the whole family. I will be going there for 4 days, literally shopping there, and ill be going malaysia's biggest shopping mall! Times Square! SO BIG, that there is a full scale rollercoaster and theme park INSIDE the mall!

Ive been there before, when my band was treated to a short holiday at genting, on our last day, we took a trip down to KL via bus and make a stopover at Times Square. IT WAS REALLY HUGE!! MIND BOGGLING!I really enjoyed going there with all my band friends. But unfortunately, we only managed to walk about in the mall for about an hour. Because we were really pressing for time to go home, as the trip via bus back to Singapore is really really looong.

ill be going to KL by driving up to Masai, Johor to my grandfather's place. From there, we will park our car at his place and he will sent us to Senai airport, and take a budget airline to KL. SO EXCITING! Not of the trip, but due to the fact that im boarding a budget airline FOR THE FIRST TIME! its a great opportunity to evaluate the cost to service ratio while on flight. hehehe...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 9:39:00 PM

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Ernest, wherever you are....

I'll Make a Man Out of You
Vocals: Donny Osmond and Chorus
Running time: 3:21

Let's get down to business
To defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch
I ever met
But you can bet
Before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
out of you

Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
you are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale
pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man
out of you

I'm never gonna catch
my breath
Say good-bye to those
who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school
for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em
scared to death
Hope he doesn't see
right through me
Now I really wish that I
knew how to swim

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order
and you might survive
You're unsuited for
the rage of war
So pack up, go home
you're through
How could I make a man
out of you?

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the strength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

(Be a man)
We must be swift as
the Coursing river
(Be a man)
With all the force
of a great typhoon
(Be a man)
With all the stength
of a raging fire
Mysterious as the
dark side of the moon

To my dear friend, Ernest, whereever you are, i hope you are doing fine. Remember the above song? Our so called Mulan play, during primary 5? You were General Shang, i was the teeny weeny dragon during the play. I remembered you lip sing this song with other performers of our class. It was done fantastically and i could never forget the moment spent on preparing this act together and selecting a few scenes in the movie to act out. It was really fun. Well, whereever you are, since ive lost touch with you, i hope you come across this blog ( one in million chance) and i hope you could write to me.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:18:00 PM

Finally exams are over!!!

Yup, finally the exams are over and im going to make full use of the holidays right here right now!

To top it off, the last paper of Microbiology A, it was above avearage paper, with questions asking you to simply vomit out what you have memoried. nothing difficult about that, although im kinda stump at one or 2 questions but nothing serious i hoped.

Yesterday, went to Seiyu, and finally bought my wallet!! Billabong, 100% leather wallet that i bought at The Wallet Shop. It brownish black, slightly smaller than the one i had and its pretty neat to begin with. It has the brand, Billabong, branded onto the leather, with really nice designs in it. It costs $54.00 for the wallet. woohoo... Finally got a new wallet.

When i got my wallet, my dad told me something funny... The wallet had extra slots for card, so i told my dad, maybe i could get a debit card to fill up that space probably when NYP has more of those credit card roadshows in the canteen or at the campus center. But my dad told me: No need! i have lots of those expires credit cards! You just put there and show that you have lots of those prestigious credit cards! I was like wat the hell! Why would i want to put something useless there? Im not a show off or anything. I dont like to be a pretender. Lol... interesting notion, but its not something id do.

My parents have been cleaning the house for Hari Raya and ive been getting running nose, because i cannot tolerate too much dust in the air. Thats why when i do spring cleaning, i try to avoid as much as i can especially when asked to clean something or somewhere where there is lots of dust. I cannot stand it. My nose will itch and the whole day will be ruined, sneezing and sneezing and sneezing.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:09:00 AM

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Remember i told you that im going to share with you a tv series that ive been watching? well, here it is... A brand new TV series, airing in USA, not available in Singapore just yet. hehehe.. ive got previliges in watching brand new tv series ahead of others.. Well enough bragging. Im going to explain in greater detail with lots of pictures of what this tv show are all about and all the characters in it.

Out of the blackness, the first thing Jack (
Matthew Fox, Party of Five) senses is pain.


Then burning sun. A Bamboo forest. Smoke. Screams. With a rush comes the horrible awareness that the plane he was on tore apart in mid-air and crashed on a Pacific island. From there it's a blur, as his doctor's instinct kicks in: people need his help. Stripped of everything, the 48 survivors scavenge what they can from the plane for their survival. Some panic. Some pin their hopes on rescue. A few find inner strength they never knew they had -- like Kate (
Evangeline Lilly), who, with no medical training, suddenly finds herself suturing the doctor's wounds.


Hurley (
Jorge Garcia) – a man with a warm sense of humor despite the desperate situation – does his best to keep his cool as he helps those around him to survive.


Charlie (
Dominic Monaghan, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring trilogy) is a faded rock star who harbors a painful secret.


Sayid (
Naveen Andrews, The English Patient) is a Middle Eastern man who must wrestle with the racial profiling directed at him by some of his fellow survivors.


Jin (
Daniel Dae Kim, Spider-Man 2, 24) and Sun (Yunjin Kim) are a Korean couple whose traditions, values and language are foreign and thus causes much to get lost in the translation.


Sawyer (
Josh Holloway) has an air of danger surrounding him, and his intense sense of mistrust for everyone around him could prove to be fatal to his fellow castaways.


Michael (
Harold Perrineau, Oz) has just gained custody of his nine-year-old son, Walt (Malcolm David Kelley, Antwone Fisher, You Got Served), after the death of his ex-wife – they are a father and son who don't even know each other.



Locke (
Terry O'Quinn, Alias, Primal Fear) is a mysterious man who keeps to himself, and who harbors a deeper connection to the island than any of the others.


And self-centered Shannon (
Maggie Grace, Oliver Beene) – who actually gives herself a pedicure amid the chaos – and her estranged controlling brother, Boone (Ian Somerhalder, Smallville) – constantly bicker and must learn to get along if they are to survive.



The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But the island holds many secrets, including the intense howls of the mysterious creatures stalking the jungle, which fill them all with fear. Fortunately, thanks to the calm leadership of quick-thinking Jack and level-headed Kate, they have hope. But even heroes have secrets, as the survivors will come to learn. From J.J. Abrams, the creator of "Alias," comes an action-packed adventure that will bring out the very best and the very worst in the people who are lost.


Jack (Matthew Fox)A doctor, he emerges as the leader of the castaways. He has a lot of skills which come in handy in a crisis situation, but he's not without his own skeletons in his closet.

Kate (Evangeline Lilly)A fugitive from the law, she was travelling with a US Marshal when the plane crashed. Not much is known of her crime. For Kate (which may or may not be her real name), the crash represents a fresh start for her.

Charlie (Dominic Monaghan)The bass player for the band Drive Shaft. He has a drug addiction, and as of now still has a stash which he retrieved from the plane.

Hurley (Jorge Garcia)Warm, nice, and friendly. He's a big guy, willing to help, but is queasy at the sight of blood. Says "dude" a lot.

Boone (Ian Somerhalder)Shannon's brother. Works as a lifeguard, but he may have to rethink that. May be wealthy.

Shannon (Maggie Grace)Boone's sister. She holds on to the belief that they will be rescued soon. Also holds on to the belief that the world must obey her every whim. "Studied" in Paris. May be wealthy.

Michael (Harold Perrineau)A father who flies to Australia to gain custody of a son he hasn't seen in years after the death of his ex-wife.

Walt (Malcolm David Kelley)Michael's 9-year-old son who's travelling with his father after his mother's death. Has a pet dog, Vincent.

Sayid (Naveen Andrews)A former member of the Iraqi Republican Guard who served in the Gulf War. He's handy with electronics, and terribly good in Math.

Sawyer (Josh Holloway)Hot-tempered and rough-and-tumble. Appears to be the typical Southern redneck, yet he has a softer side which occassionally shines through his exterior.

Locke (Terry O'Quinn)A mysterious man who seems far too at ease in this situation. He may hold the key to where they are and how they got there.

Jin (Daniel Dae Kim)One half of a non-English speaking Korean couple. He is controlling and protective of his wife, Sun.

Sun (Yunjin Kim)One half of a non-English speaking Korean couple. She seems to be forced into a conservative role, but seems to have a rebellious streak in her.

Claire (Emilie De Ravin)An Australian woman 8 months pregnant, even though she's single. "Very modern of me," she says.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 2:17:00 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Fourth Paper: Mathematics for Life Sciences


Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:01:00 AM

Monday, November 01, 2004

Third paper inorganic chemistry.

The paper is ok lah... The section C is quite a killer lor and i really hate the first Essay question. Later tell you why.

The Section A and B is quite easy, breeze through the paper with little difficulty, but i realised that i made some mistakes.

Section C!! Wah lau killer section ah! Ruined my hopes in safely maintaining a B ah!! The stupid question on contact process!! What the hell! I have no idea it was SO3. What? oh.. Pure chemistry in secondary got learn before, and i expect to know contact process and the WHOLE process of the manufacture of sulphuric acid! WTF!! At least if i dont know how to calculate the x and y at least give me a chance to do the other sub questions lah! that question is totally not fair! WTF@!@

Tullast This is Captain's log, 4:14:00 PM

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Light Side, Dark Side... which path will i take?

Finally, after months of anticipation, the official site of Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, The Sith Lords, (KOTOR II) is up and running!

The game is slated for release on the X Box, on November of this year, and on the PC, February 2005. Argh!! February 2005!!? Why? Why is there such a large gap in the different console release!?

I really cannot wait for this game to be released. Which path shall i take this time, The Dark Side, or The Light Side? Ive played the first installment of the game and it ROCKS! Best RPG ever! One of the best game ive ever played in terms of storyline, character development and a diversified plot with numerous subplots. And for an added bonus, you can choose which side to take, the Dark Side, or the Light side?

In the first installment of the game, i played twice, one of each side and i must say, its trully a wonderful experience, being able to be witness 2 different points of view of a storyline. Crush the evil Sith, or Crush the Jedi Council... The decision to choose which side is not made early in the game. Throughout the game, watever deeds you have done, will contribute whether youve done good, or bad. You can switch sides in the middle of the game and at anytime. See your character's profile and appearance look sinister and pale, or glorious and wise. Slowly, youll see a shift in the direction youre going in the storyline and youll barely noticed it. Fantastic game...

The first game has over 60 hours gameplay and +++ if you do many subplots. i thoroughly enjoy every single minute of this game.

It came to surprise for me that this game will ultimately be the best game ive played. Having being developed by Bioware, makers of Neverwinter Nights and its subsidiary expansions, ive enjoyed playing Neverwinter Nights and its fantasy settings. It was one of the best Forgotten Realms campaign setting that ive played. Multiplayer features were top notch and i enjoyed playing online with friends from other countries.

While enjoying this game, i came across KOTOR I being developed by bioware too. I wasnt paying too much attention to this game previously because Neverwinter Nights was the rage at that time. So i told myself, what the heck, this game is being made by bioware, and bioware developed really good fantasy RPG games, with classic titles like the Baldur's Gate Series. So i looked around, got to know about the game. When i got to know a little more about the game, i was getting alittle interested. At that time it was about less than a month before the game is being released and i haven decide properly if im gonna really buy this game, much less if im gonna enjoy this game because firstly, it is RPG, but its in a Star "Warsy" setting. Im not a fan of star wars. Secondly, graphics were good, but not up to my expectation of being a solid RPG.

When i bought this game, boy was i wrong... I was hooked! The game was released on November 2003, that was right after O levels. Perfect timing. I ve got loads of time in my hands, so thats why i bought this game. I played virtually non-stop for i think about 3 to 4 weeks. (mind you... 60 hours of roleplay is very long.) I even got ill during the course of play because my biological clock was severely shifted, after playing until the wee hours of the morning in such a short notice.

I played and played and the game was wonderful. Its like youre watching a movie! Except that its 60 hours long. Why i said its being played like a movie? Firstly, the storyline is engaging. You get to control what kind of story you like to craft. Secondly, the character are soo believable and real. Thirdly, conversation between character are carefully and fully scripted and VOICED! Meaning that they hired professional actors to lend their voice talents that drive the emotional aspects of the characters that were in the game. Over 50,000 lines of scripts were voiced! ( you can imagine how big this game was... 4 cds, totalling close to 4gb just to install) but it was worth it, and i listen every single line that was available till the end. Thats why i said its like a movie the characters were like acting and the cutscenes were wonderfully done.

Besides this game that im anticipating (very highly. Hopefully the expectations live up to its predecessors) there are other games that im waiting to come out to. I dont play that many games in truth, and my selection of games are very picky and selective. First of all, my friend is going to buy Halo 2, which is coming out in november of this year. I will then be able to play on OUR X box. Halo, the first installment is really good. Though i dont have a chance to complete the game ( my friend did, because the x box was at his house) i dont mind at all. Also coming out this november is Prince of Persia, Warrior Within. A mixture of adventure, action and puzzle with gorgeous graphics, since i played the first game, it was one of the most beautifully crafted game in terms of graphic ( and the prince looked handsome too even though he is 3D.. LOL!) other games include games like Neverwinter Nights 2, slated for 2006, next year. Dragon Age, another new RPG being developed by Bioware, with a release date that is still unknown, possibly in 2007. Also another adventure game which is seriously underate and unknown to many because it was not made in the US is The Longest Journey II, Dreamfall. This adventure game will be released in late 2005. The first game, which i happened to come across accidentally, blew my mind away at this beautifully crafted piece of game with amazing and original storyline. I cannot really tell you what is the storyline because it is soo complex.

Well that wraps it up at what im gonna say about games. stay tune, while i talk about the latest TV series that are not shown in Singapore's broadcasting channels but it one of the most promising series yet!

Tullast This is Captain's log, 9:14:00 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Curious Incident of the Dog In the Night-time

"Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the counries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the colour yellow.

Although gifted with a superbly logical brain, fifteen-year old Christopher is autistic and everyday interactions and admonishments have little meaning for him. He lives on patterns, rules, and a diagram kept in his pocket. Then one day, a neighbour's dog, Wellington, is killed and his carefully constructed universe is threatened. Christopher sets out to solve the murder with style of his favourite (logical) detective, Sherlock Holmes. What follows makes for a novel that is deeply funny, poignant and fascinating in its portrayal of a person whose curse and blessings are a mind that perceives the world entrely literally."

Finally, ive finished reading this book, that i bought a couple of weeks ago and junction 8, out of sheer impulse. I picked this book to read because it was an international bestseller and its pretty thin to begin with. Furthermore, i knew about this book through and ive noticed that this book has been on the bestseller list for many many weeks and it comes a surprise that such a thin book, no more that 200 pages i think, could be in the international bestseller list for soo many weeks.

Ok, so i picked up this book, or bought this book for $16.10 and every cent of it was worth it! This is one of the best first person narrative book ive ever read! Its a surprise that an author could really come up with a story based on an autistic boy and narrate it first hand! Its such a wonder and in an amazement that he could right in such vivid details on the mind of an autistic person. What is an autistic person? HAve you watched Rainman, featuring Dustin Hoffman as the austistic person? If you get the idea, this book tells you basically how an autistic mind works and narrates in such a beautiful piece of story that would surely awaken you emotions from the depths of your heart. Truly, throughout the book, ive felt happiness, sadness, anger and even fear! Amazing...

This book deserves a 5 out of 5 and truly deserves the title of International Bestseller!

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:44:00 PM

Second paper: Physical Chemistry

What a relief, what a relief... WHAT A RELIEF!!

Oh my!! The paper was surprising not that difficult after all!! Question on second order rate law derivation, i could do it!! I memorised that damn thing over and over again and that 12 marks is sooo gifted!! The whole section on Haber Process ARGH!! I didnt expect to come out as ONE whole section! I knew how to do all the questions!! Give away marks!! HAH! And the one of Arrhenius Equation! OMG!! I thought i did it wrong but i checked with the formula: I WAS RIGHT!! 2 main questions was a total give away marks!

As for the other sections, there werent any difficult questions at all! I could do it! But i dont have that much confidence in getting all correct of course. At least have a small chance of getting a B at the very least! oh please please please.. lemme get a B. But whatever it is. At least tonight i can sleep in peace...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:50:00 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

First Paper, Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology.

My first paper of the semestral, IMB. It was a an above average paper. I did not encounter any extremely difficult questions at all. I breezed through the paper with no roadblocks or difficult questions that require hard thinking. Im glad that i memorised the things are supposed to memorise and put it to good use on paper. Coming up next, Physical Chem... Jeeeng Jeeeng...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 6:31:00 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Finally, ive found the lyrics!!

Title: Life is like a boat
Artist: Rie Fu
(Bleach anime ending theme)


Nobody knows who I really am
I never felt this empty before
And if I ever need someone to come along
Who's gonna comfort me and keep me strong?

We are all rowing the boat of fate
The waves keep on coming and we can't escape
But if we ever get lost on our way
The waves will guide you through another day

Tooku de iki o shiteru
Toome ni natta mitai
Kurayami ni omoeta kedo
Mekaku shisareteta dake

Inori o sasagete
Atarashii hi o matsu
Asayaka ni hikaru umi
Sono hate made e

Nobody knows who I really am
Maybe they just don’t give a damn
But if I ever need someone to come along
I know you will follow me and keep me strong

Hito no kokoro wa utsuri yuku
Mukedashitaku naru
Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de
Fune o tsureteku

And every time I see your face
The oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars
And soon I can see the shore

Ah, I can see the shore?
When will I see the shore?

I want you to know who I really am
I never thought I’d feel this way towards you
And if you ever need someone to come along
I will follow you and keep you strong

Tabi wa mada tsuzuiteku
Odayaka na hi mo
Tsuki wa mata atarashii shuuki de
Fune o terashiasu

Inori o sasagete
Atarashii hi o matsu
Asayaka ni hikaru umi
Sono hate made

And every time I see your face
The oceans heave up to my heart
You make me wanna strain at the oars
And soon I can see the shore

Unmei no mune o kogi
Nami wa tsugi kara tsugi e to
Watashitachi o osou kedo
Sore mo suteki na tabi ne
Dore mo suteki na tabi ne

Tullast This is Captain's log, 7:24:00 PM

The Man in the MRT.

Yesterday for no apparent reason, i went to town!! OMG!! I felt soo bad! Exam period and i still go Orchard Road, walk walk, see anything new and all. I went myself, i felt guilty after that. Im supposed to study my physical chem and apparently it turns me off and i got fed up and i just went to Orchard Road. I told you that ive never been to orchard for a long time. Well i finally went and I noticed quite a number of changes.

Christmas decorations along the Orchard Road is up, though not finished yet. The upgrade on wisma atria has been completed and you can lots of alfresco cafes along the great walkway. It makes me wanna sit down at those cafe and have my favourite beverage, sit down and soak up the ambience, observe people walking up and down. But another time perhaps. There are some big statues, some form of art being placed along the walkway. I didnt take a look at what it symbolises but its very... blockish. Abstract art is NOT my forte.

Anyway, on the way to Orchard, via MRT, i was sitting down (btw, i bought my physical chem notes to read on the way, so its not too bad ya?) and this young man quite handsome looks soo exhausted. He was dozing up but not that kind of person where their head would drop suddenly. No, he looked very exhausted and he tried really hard to keep himself awake. You can see by his eyes that he is contantly slipping in and out of slumberland. i dunno what he did before, but he looked very exhausted. The most peculiar thing about this guy is that i recognized him! Ive seen him many occasions but during that time, i could not recall where ive seen him. The only time i could recall was in the mrt. That encounter yesterday wasnt the first. Certainly ive seen him around lately. And i started to think. Where did i recognized this guy? I thought really hard and its difficult upon closer inspection because he was exhausted and he looked very different, yet somehow familiar. And i thought and thought. Yes! thats right! He works in Ya Kun Kaya toast at Causewaypoint!! Thats where i first saw him and on many occasions there, especially at night, because i used to go there very often to have kaya toast and a cup of tea. He works there and its funny to see a him working at Ya Kun Kaya Toast franchise, because all the other tenants are all old aunties and uncles serving the toast and making the toasts and writing down orders and he is the only young chap there!

When the train reached at Novena, he dropped off there, but before he dropped off, he looked at me, sort of a sleepy and nonchalant way and i looked at him. We look at each other. And then he smiled at me. I was surprised. I frowned and then i smiled, because maybe he him recognized me as a regular customer at Ya Kun. Then he got off the train. I was quite surprised because i didnt expect him to recognize me for he serves hundreds of people everyday and sees new people every day. For him to recognize a customer, he must have really good memory...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 10:52:00 AM

Sunday, October 24, 2004

I was surfing the website when i came upon this website that tells us the current development of the worlds tallest skyscrapers, its proposed plans, where it will be built and when its gonna be completed.

The tallest skyscraper to be ever built, 2 of them, both is Dubai, United Arab Emirates, are over 700m tall!

Take a look at it:

burj dubai u.a.e
burj dubai u.a.e and the pinnacle u.a.e.

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:14:00 PM

So long never go town...

Just finished revising my IMB, now i have to revise my physical chem. Ill be revising my physical chem today and tomorrow and the first half of the day on tuesday. The second half will be imb and then wednesday is the paper. Scary....

Im not too afraid of IMB but im am really terrified of physical chem. I dunno lah.. I seem to have a keen ability to absorb concepts and fundamentals pretty well and generally be able to see the whole picture, but when it comes to numbers, formulas and equations, i cannot grasp the concept. Because formulas and equations are meant to facilitate your calculation and how to derive your answers and more often than not, it is often thought and emphasised on the formulas and equations but not what it represents or the concept behind why it should be done this way. In many occasions my concepts are understandings are full of holes. This is also applies for maths. I dunno, i think one side of the brain is weaker than the other. Processing of numbers is something i really lack. LOL! Sooo funny..

anyway... soo long never town, like as in orchard road. I think ive never been to town for like 1 and a half months already. With the exams around the corner and me in a tertiary education, i have less and less time to go out to town and see what are latest buzz happening in town, stuff like that. Im a very urban person. Someone asked me if i like to detach myself from civilisation and live in some countryside where your nearest neighbour is 2 km away, or in a suburbun town where the population of the town is less than 20 thousand people and the nearest major city is 200 km away. Id say no! nonononono! I dont mind living for a little while, but to transform my lifestyles 360 degrees is a nono for me. Im a very urban person. I like tall buildings, skyscrapers, city like environment. Its hard for me to explain the reasons, because there are alot of reasons that comes with it.

When it comes to holidays, if i get to travel by myself, or with my friends, i would always choose a city. Here are some of the cities id like to visit in order of importance...

Tokyo, Japan
Seoul, Korea,
Sydney, Australia (again)
Toronto, Canada
New York City, USA
Los Angeles, USA
Paris, France
Frankfurt, Germany

Tullast This is Captain's log, 1:24:00 PM

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Nice condominium...

Today, i was supposed to spent the whole day studying for my upcoming exams, but having heard that my relatives are moving house to a new condominium, called Cherry Garden, it was simply too hard to give it a miss.

I followed my parents to the condominium, together with my relative and i must say, the condominium is not that big. The building are no more than 4 to 5 storeys high, and they have a cosy and lovely inner compound with a moderate sized swimming pool and is nicely shaped. The condomnium is reasonably built. The layout of the condominium is beautiful, albeit small i must say. There are different layouts, different number of rooms. After we visited the unit which my relative bought, we went to take a look at the penthouse of that condominium. The layout of the whole penthouse is the same as that my relative bought, except for the additiong of an open air roof top area, that can be accessed by a spiral staircase, jutted out of the building. It really nice to be on top of the roof. you can relax there, do barbeque, and lots of stuff there.

Penthouse for the particular condo, from what i heard is about 500K. that is reasonable for a small sized area with a rooftop garden.

Fascinated by looking at condominiums, i told my dad to take me to a showroom at this particular condominium in the heart of orchard, called The Light. Ive passed by that condominium soo many times and whenever i look at it, i am constantly in AWE!!! The building is 20 storeys and its no ordinary condominium. The whole building when you look at the front part of the condominium is built on glass!! Its really magnificent. Its as if the whole building is nothing but glass! the design and architecture is top notch.

So my family to went orchard and we were lucky that a showroom is still going on.

Upon entering the enterance of the condominium, we went to the underground carpark, spacious with fountain walls by the side. We were then directed to a visitors carpark by this person who waited at the lobby of the condominium. After that we went to the temporary office of the showroom. We were greeted by this young man, in this room, along with a scale model of the overall building and the different layouts of the apartments units of the condominium, 2 room, 3 room 4 room, and penthouses. the scale model of the building was FANTASTIC! It looks really nice with all the transparent glass 50% covering the entire front part of the building. After brief introduction, were then went into one of the units.

I must emphasize this is one of THE BEST condominium i have EVER seen!!

We then went to the lift lobby of one of the 2 buildings. I was damn shockeD!! The lift has biometric sensors on them!! Meaning that to gain access of the lift and into the apartments, you present your fingerprints or iris scan for verification and along your password given!! SOO HI CLASS!!! SOO HI TECH!! No keys! No cards! all you need is a fingerprint and password. The ultimate privacy you can achieve!!

Why is there a biometric sensor at the lift lobby? Because upon entering the lift and into the apartment, once you get out of the lift, at the very entrance of the lift, is already YOUR corridor and to YOUR living room!!! This means that the lift is yours!!! Its your very own lift, but its shared by 20 other units on 20 floors. Get it? The lift stops at your floor, and that floor has only one apartment unit! When the door opens, VIOLA! you see your living room at the end of the corridor!

But thats not it... upon entering the apartment, i was shocked, frozen, flabberghasted, overwhelmed, rooted to the ground, by the SHEER LUXURY of the apartment!!! I cannot describe what i see but my god, the layout is fantastic!! OMG OMG OMG!! ITs like living in a 6 star hotel suite!! The furnishing, the lighting, the ambience, this is the pinnicle of luxury living!! The balcony is all made of glass, spacious. The living room is huge, with a dining room behind it. An extra room with a bathroom, and this room acts like a recreational room. there are 2 bedrooms, and the master bedroom as a bathroom, only a man could ever dream of. ARGH! The words that im using is doing injustice to what i see! You must see to believe it. After that experience, i couldnt stop thinking and fantasizing about it.

But thats not all!! You know alll the lighting and curtin of all the rooms can be electronically controlled, using an lcd panel mounted on every room!? ITS SOO DAMN HIGH TECH! Just touch of the button and the lights of differnt areas you chose will on and off. The curtins slides in and out and you can program the lighting such that its motion sensored! YES!! Motion sensored! When you walk to a room, it switches on automatically!! The curtins can be program to open and close at what time of the day! omg!

The kitchen is modernly furnished with all the latest and hi tech facilities. The kitchen is really well done! Dishwasher unit, oven, and whatever you have lah... dunno how to say..

I fell soo good being there! When i was there, i just couldnt contained my eagerness and my excitement!

AFter exploring and the you man telling all the smart features of the house, like fiber optic connection on every room, broadband excess, and stuff like that, panic buttons (emergency buttons to call security guards) and all, my dad asked how big is this apartment.

The apartment we visited was about 1500sq metres. thats roughly the size of my house right now. There are other sizes like, 800sqm for 2 bedroom, 1200sqm 1400 sqm 2000sqm 3500 sqm and the penthouses, 5200sqm that is the biggest offered!! 5200sqm!! can you imagine!? 3 storeys! the third being roof top garden! thats slightly less than 3 times the size of my house right now!!

AFter that we asked the price of the apartment. OMG i was in shocked! make a guess how much the apartment cost at about 1500sqm...

it is.... drumroll.............................................................. AT 1500 sqm............... $2 500 000!!

HAHAH!! 2.5 million!! 2500 000 bucks!! sing dollars, cold hard cash!!!

Each sq m cost approx $1600!!

I nearly fainted when i heard the figure.

The penthouse costs about $5 000 000 starting price!

i have the brochure. anybody interested i can bring the brochure and show it to you...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 11:40:00 PM

Layout by Yiling