
Who the hell am I?

Name: Muhammad Jasrie
Age: 17
School: Nanyang Polytechnic
Birthday: 22 September 1987

So what are you?

Im basically a quiet and shy guy,
who always the makes last moves when making friends
im easy going and loves a pleasant conversation.

Books I've Read

-Phillip Pullman, His Dark Materials Trilogy-
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife
The Amber Spyglass
-Isaac Asimov, The Foundation Series-
Prelude to Foundation
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Foundation's Edge
Forward The Foundation
-Terry Brooks, Magic Kingdom of Landover Series-
Magic Kingdom of Landover for Sale-- SOLD!
The Black Unicorn
Wizard At Large
The Tangle Box
Witches Brew
-R.A. Salvatore, The Dark Elf Trilogy-
-R.A. Salvatore, The Icewind Dale Trilogy-
The Crstal Shard
Streams of Silver
The Halfling's Gem
-R.A. Salvatore, Legacy of The Drow Series-
The Legacy
Starless Nights
Siege of Darkness
Passage to Dawn
-R.A. Salvatore, Path of Darkness Series-
The Silent Blade
The Spine of the World
Servant of The Shard
Sea of Swords
-R.A. Salvatore, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy-
The Thousand Orcs
The Lone Drow
-R.A. Salvatore, The Cleric Quintet-
In Sylvan Shadows
Night Masks
The Fallen Fortress
The Choas Curse
-Robin Hobb, The Farseer Trilogy-
Assassin's Apprentice
Royal Assassin
Assasin's Quest
-George R.R. Martin-
-J.K. Rowling The Harry Potter Series-
The Sorcerer's Stone
The Chamber of Secrets
The Prisoner of Azkaban
The Goblet of Fire
The Order of the Pheonix
-Mark Haddon-
The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night-time

Books I'm Reading

-Robin Hobb, The Liveship Traders Trilogy-
Ship of Magic, Book 1
-R.A. Salvatore, The Hunter's Blades Trilogy-
Two Swords, Book 3


My previous Journal
My email
My Campus
Bored? Go here!
Still bored? Go here!
My mum's webbie, Linkin Park
Another one of my mum's webbie, Orlando Bloom

Other Blogs!!

Joash (NYP)
Mizael (NYP)
Jing Ying
Koon Jin
My class blog

History lesson!!

July 2004 August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005

My Mood


The WeatherPixie


Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Trendy...
You're a trendsetter.. well more of a trend follower. You have a few 'cool' friends who don't mind you hanging around for a laugh. It won't be long before you're climbing the ladder to cool status. Keep up the good work!!
Cool quizzes at

"ACHTUNG! may actually be a spider-human hybrid

Your Icecream Flavour is...
French Vanilla!
You're a smooth and silky suave type! You exude class and you believe in tradition. A classical taste who doesn't like things to be too flashy or showy. Climb the Eiffel tower of taste with a spoonfull of you! Oui Oui!
What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz


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Monday, January 31, 2005


It has come to a point where all good things must end.

Im sorry that due to some circumstances, i am unable to keep this blog updated and will not be doing so in the future.

i have my reasons, and i regret that i have to end my story hanging without an ending.

For those who have been faithful in reading my entries, i thank you for your support whoever who is out there.

Nameless: Thank you for your kind words, but unfortunately i cannot continue writing in here.


Tullast This is Captain's log, 4:23:00 PM

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Perth, the road to adventure.

My parents have been discussing on our next holiday this year and there have been discussing a number of options, like going to taiwan, hongkong or perth.

Perth was our final choice. End of this year, my family and i will be visiting australia once more, We went to Sydney and Brisbane on april 2004 and we had a great time there. This year, we will be doing something different.

A flight to perth will not be as long as sydney, since perth is located somewhere on the western part of australia. I garner it would be a 4 to 5 hour journey. But this vacation is slightly different. When we get there, we will be going to rent as SUV and drive from one town to another town in the rural areas of perth. Isnt that exciting? OMG! My heart literally pumps with excitement! We will drive for 10 days stopping over at small towns and staying at cheap motels for the night and then off on the road once more. We will see the natural beauty of Australia's landscapes. The mountains and plains, the farms and the vast stretches of nothingness. Just us, the wind, and nature. Its going to be a holiday worth remembering for a long time. Of course , i will certainly take hundreds of pics not of us but the natural scenery they we will be driving by. Perth, a road to adventure. Im looking forward to it...

On a side note, if i truly enjoy this trip, in the future when im older, ill be keen in traveling to exotic places, maybe mongolia or tibet, Egypt the place that i always wanted to go and how about iceland? I watched the amazing race and they went to iceland, fantastic place.. and im really serious about this. A trip of a lifetime...

Tullast This is Captain's log, 8:17:00 PM

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